PeerTube Gladiator Movie

PeerTube Gladiator Movie
3.4 stars - Cedric Moody

  1. runtime - 2h 35Minutes
  2. writed by - John Logan, David Franzoni
  3. 9,4 of 10 Stars
  4. A dying Marcus Aurelius plans to name his loyal and brave General Maximus as his successor in order to restore the power of the Roman Senate. However, his power-hungry, jealous son Commodus learns of the plan, murders Marcus Aurelius, and plans to execute Maximus in order to secure his claim to the throne. Maximus escapes execution, but is sold into slavery and is forced to become a gladiator. Eventually, Maximus and his fellow gladiators are sent to Rome to perform for Commodus. Through his bravery he wins over the masses and reveals his true identity, much to the chagrin of Commodus. Can Maximus use his newfound popularity to avenge Marcus Aurelius' death, or will Commodus be able to keep the throne?
  5. genre - Adventure



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Gladiator freezer. Gladiators. What is it with critics? They laud mediocrity, and all too often pan excellence.
This movie is an excellent example. No doubt, it is a somewhat watchable film, for the most part. If you want to know what's good about the movie, read one the multitude of idiotic reviews singing this movie's praises.
First, I realize some people accept that the film was not historically accurate, but some maintain that it largely is true to the period. The latter point is nonsense. For starters, the film opens with a battle of such historical inaccuracy that it is almost literally laughable (at least chuckle-able. This is spoiler, but not for the plot. If you don't want itty bitty spoilers, skip to the next paragraph and just take me at my word. Okay, here we go: Ridley Scott sacrifices historical accuracy to "spice up" this battle, big time. In five hundred years, a Roman Legion never fought so poorly. If one did, it would have retreated and the general been killed. Let me tell you something every Junior High Social Studies grad should know: Roman Legions (like the Greek Phalanx before it) dominated not because of individual skill, but because of regimented formation combat. Individually, the barbarians were by far the better warriors. The bulk of a legion would get into tight formation, and either advance as a unit or await the enemy advance. As the range closed, the legionnaires would throw their pila (remember those spears the Romans were carrying for no reason in the movie? at the enemy, then draw their gladius swords. They would remain shoulder-to-shoulder, to give them their advantage. They did not use cavalry or artillery in any major way. I have to ask, why couldn't Scott have shown it as it was? It was just as bloody, and would have actually educated a few people.
Ridley Scott is at his worst as a director in this film. It is time he got some psychological help, to conquer his phobia that the audience might actually be able to see what is happening. Must every action scene be either pitch black or featuring a cut every ten frames?
This is yet another Hollywood film destroying historical accuracy, and it is only mediocre (in the worst sense of the word. Believe the hype at your own peril.

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I had been looking forward to watching this film for years. After reading many reviews celebrating how much of a cinematic marvel Gladiator is, my expectations were high. How wrong I was. I should've realised that the morons in this world had voted a fool into the White House, they had voted for Brexit and they chose to support teams like Tottenham Hotspur. So my faith in humanity should've made me realise this film would be poor.
The story is slower than a woman getting ready for a dinner date. The linear plot was so easy to fathom out and left me wondering how would this grip me? It wouldn't. The main characters left me with no emotional attachment as the acting, plot and script were so mundane, bland and boring. The film could've finished easily an hour and a half earlier, but I believe that Ridley Scott purposely wanted to inconvenience us. Therefore decided to add in pointless storylines such as Commodus and his sisters relationship, Maximus and his flashbacks to his home and over doing the Gladiator fight scenes (which equate to a total of 5 terrible minutes of action throughout the film.
Ironically this is a film about revenge, and I now intend to seek revenge on Ridley Scott for making this film, for making myself sit through two and a half hours of dreadful cinematography and for giving me Parkinson's disease.

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